Wednesday, August 19, 2009

MY First lap in TLE-ICT Subject

TLE-ICT for me is an interesting subject. In here you can learn a lot like creating an account, making blogs, sending e-mail and many more. But for me i enjoy customizing my account. During the first quarter of TLE-ICT, I was so excited because i know that my knowledge in field of computer will be added. In our first day of class we study about the History of internet and i learned that the first internet virus that come out is the worm . I learned also that the word Internet was first comceived in 1962 and Philippines get wired in 1994 and of course there's a lot more we also went mining the internet study the language of the internet o nthe protocol and last but not the least the history and origin of blogs.

For me i was challenge in he part that i was hard up in reviewing during our first test because it's very di8fficult for me to memorize names and dates. I find also difficulties in making essays because i know in myself i am not that good enough. Honestly speaking i find also difficulties in typing, yes because i was so slow and i can't still memorize the places of the letters.

But thanks god i made it. Even though i was hard up at first i find some way to overcome it. Like in our first test i try my best to memorize all of it and also with the essays. and i think i got a good score in our periodical test.

And now again another quarter had come, our 2nd quarter of TLE-ICT. This time i will try to fullfill those difficulties and of course i will enjoy this 2nd lap of my senior life.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. have a nice blog..
    we have the same problem like the places of the letter in the keyboard...i can not memorize it also..hehehehe
